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This course part of my Masters degree in Applied Mathematics at California State University, Fullerton.
Matlab program I wrote for the project is here
This section will contain collection of functions and simulation I made during work on this project.
# | date |
handout description |
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1 | Tuesday 5/27/2008 |
Paper: Highly Constrained Backprojection for Time-Resolved MRI by C. A. Mistretta, O. Wieben, J. Velikina, W. Block, J. Perry, Y. Wu, K. Johnson, and Y. Wu1 |
2 | Tuesday 5/27/2008 |
Paper: Iterative projection reconstruction of time-resolved images using highly-constrained back-projection (HYPR) by Rafael L. O’Halloran, Zhifei Wen, James H. Holmes, Sean B. Fain |
3 | Tuesday 5/27/2008 |
Paper: Level Set Reconstruction for Sparse Angularly Sampled Data by Sungwon Yoon; Pineda, R.; Fahrig, R. |
4 | Tuesday 5/27/2008 |
Paper: Reconstructing absorption and diffusion shape profiles in optical tomography by a level set technique by M. Schweiger, S. R. Arridge, O. Dorn, A. Zacharopoulos, and V. Kolehmainen |
5 | Tuesday 5/27/2008 |
3 pages from book, on discretization delimma |
6 | Tuesday 5/27/2008 |
3 pages from book Foundations of Image Science on MLEM algorithm |
7 | Thursday 5/29/2008 |
Tomographic Image Reconstruction Derivation of the central slice theoreom |
8 | Thursday 6/5/08 |
Professor’s Gearhart Derivation of Equation (7) in the paper by Sungwon Yoon, A Pineda, and R. Fahrig |
9 | Monday 6/9/08 |
Paper (Wright- Huang -HYPR) Time-Resolved MR Angiography With Limited Projections Yuexi Huang and Graham A. Wright |
10 | Monday 6/9/08 |
PPT presentation of HYPR by GE |
11 | Wed 6/12/08 |
Scan of page from Kak/Stany showing analytical solution to projection of ellipes |
12 | Monday 6/16/08 |
Paper: Improved Waveform Fidelity Using Local HYPR Reconstruction (HYPR LR) by Kevin M. Johnson, Julia Velikina,Yijing Wu,Steve Kecskemeti,Oliver Wieben, and Charles A. Mistretta |
13 | Thursday 6/19/08 |
The EM algorithm handout given to us by Dr Gearhart |
14 | Thursday 6/19/08 |
Handout from Dr Pineda, the goals of the HYPR project |
15 | Thursday 6/26/08 |
Siavash Jalal write up on EM |
16 | Wed 7/02/08 |
Paper: Projection Reconstruction MR Imaging Using FOCUSS Jong Chul Ye, Sungho Tak, Yeji Han, and Hyun Wook Park |
17 | Wed 7/02/08 |
Paper: An Application of Highly Constrained Backprojection (HYPR) to Time-Resolved VIPR Acquisition J. V. Velikina1, C. A. Mistretta1, K. M. Johnson1, O. Wieben1 |
18 | Tuesday 7/8/08 |
Talk by Jeff Fessler at SIAM 2008 in San Diego on MRI |
19 | Thursday 7/10/08 |
Send to us by Dr Pineda: Paper Evaluation of Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of 2D HYPR Processing Using Simulations by Yan Wu, Oliver Wieben, Charles A. Mistretta, and Frank R. Korosec |
20 | Sunday 7/12/08 |
Paper: Time-Resolved Contrast-Enhanced 3D MR Angiography by Frank R. Korosec, Richard Frayne, Thomas M. Grist, Charles A. Mistretta | |
21 | Sunday 7/12/08 |
22 | Sunday 7/12/08 |
Thesis: Multidimensional MRI of Cardiac Motion Acquisition, Reconstruction and Visualization Andreas Sigfridsson LIU-TEK- |
23 | Monday 7/12/98 |
Siavash derivation of SNR for HYPR |
24 | Sunday 7/19/08 |
from Doug, MLEM related power points. Mathematical relation of MLEM to HYPR |
25 | Tuesday 7/22/08 |
Paper A self referencing level set method for image reconstruction 2002 |
26 | Saturday 7/26/08 |
Paper: 3D Time-Resolved Contrast-Enhanced Cerebrovascular MR Angiography with Subsecond Frame Update Times Using Radial k-Space Trajectories and Highly Constrained Projection Reconstruction Y. Wu, N. Kim, F.R. |
27 | Sunday 7/27/08 |
Paper: Undersampled Radial MRI with Multiple Coils. Iterative Image Reconstruction Using a Total Variation Constraint by Kai Tobias Block, Martin Uecker, and Jens Frahm |
28 | Sunday 7/27/08 |
Paper: Radial Single-Shot STEAM MRI By Kai Tobias Block and Jens Frahm |
29 | Sunday 7/27/08 |
Paper: Novel Radial MRI Technique for Obtaining High Resolution Black Blood Images of the Heart with and without Fat Suppression from a Single k-space Data Set by Zhiqiang Li, Ali Bilgin, Arthur F. Gmitro, and Maria . Altbach1 |
30 | Friday 8/15/08 |
Paper: HYPRIT: Generalized HYPR Reconstruction by Iterative Estimation Samsonov AA, Wieben O, Block WF. |
31 | Friday 8/15/08 |
Paper: More Optimal HYPR Reconstructions Using a Combination of HYPR and Conjugate-Gradient Minimization by M. A. Griswold1, K. Barkauskas, M. Blaimer, J. L. Sunshine, and J. L. Duerk |