Nasser M. Abbasi
Oct. 2024
Simulation and Animations
Mathematica apps
Simulation notes
Lorenz, limit cycle, Van der Pol, etc ...
Fourier series animations
FAQs/How to
science time line
Simulink examples
Networking/Unix howto
Thermodynamics notes
Maple cheat sheet
Maple MUG archive
How to use SQL in Maple
C programming card
Sympy and Python
PythonTex example
Digital communications
Latex code using Lua and Python
XML in Mathematica
HTML syntax highlighting
Mathematica to Latex
ANSYS cheat sheet
giac/c++ CAS cheat sheet
Signal and Image Processing
Matlab radon/backprojection
Butterworth polynomials
Butterworth analog filter
IIR Butterworth filter
Computed tomography
Scaling factors in fft()
Fourier transform diagrams
Circular convolution
FFT in Maple, Matlab
DVD MPEG-2 decoding
Image Restoration
FM modulator simulink
Sampling theory diagrams
Mapping H(s) to H(z)
Image projection matrix
DFT for 2D data
Linux system calls
MBR structure Intel PC
SNA to DECnet architecture
SNA protocol.
SNMP traps
Statistics cheat sheet
statistics notes
Random numbers in mathematica
Hidden Markov
transient states Markov chain
Computer Algebra
Independent CAS integration tests
Independent CAS ODE tests
kamke differential equations
Murphy differential equations
Solving PDE's using CAS
matrix rank test
Simplification Maple and Mathematica
Charlwood integrals
Sums of sins
Functional style in Mathematica
History of Mathematica
Event GUI in Mathematica
Zero index in Mathematica
Mathematica ScatterPlot3D
Mathematica timing for Pi
Maple 12 packages
Traditional math in Mathematica
Making package in Mathematica
Basic OOP in Mathematica
Mathematica UI macros
Mathematica animation in PDF
Mathematica vs. tikz
Mathematica newsletter
expansion of $e^{At}$
Integration trig function
my Mathematica package
setting timelimit on CAS
Analytic ODE/PDE solving
Solving textbooks ODE's
ODE algorithms used in above
dAlembert and Clairaut algorithms
papers on kovacic algorithm
my Arxiv paper on kovacic algorithm
kovacic algorithm outline
finding ODE singular solutions
papers on finding integrating factor
parametric solving nonlinear odes
Using Lie symmtery to solve ODE's
Notes on Sturm Liouville
Variation of Parameters/Green function
Neumann conditions in 2D
Eigenvalues for $y''+\lambda y=0$
stokes's first problem PDE
Diffusion-convection PDE
Solving nonlinear 1st order ODE
Note on eigenfunctions
2D Laplace Mathematica
1D advection Fortran
1D advection Ada
PDE solving flow charts
2nd order ode with eigenvalues
Control Systems
control cheat sheet
Inverted pendulum on cart
LQR control
Tune PID controller
Mathematica control systems
ODE for closed loop
ODE to controllable state space
Mason transfer function
Mason transfer function RLC circuit
Hurwitz stability Kharitonov polynomial
Pole assignment design
Liapunov-Floquet transformation
closed loop Response
Serial robot animations
Finite Elements
Beam Stiffness matrix derivation
FEM torsion
solving ODE using FEM
Gaussian Quadrature method
school project, 2D FEM plane stress
additional notes
Ritz/Galerkin axial loaded beam
1st/2nd order ODE using FEM
2nd ODE central difference and FEM
Poisson PDE with FEM
FEM axial loaded beam
Old Java notes
Diagrams of old Java packages
Java floating points
Java card
EJB security report
General Mathematics
PDE animations
Math notes
My Quantum mechanics cheat sheet
Similarity transformation SVD
SVD norm data reconstruction
Van Der Pol using perturbation
ODE45 Van Der Pol
PDE using FDM
Lapack functions
ODE Iterative solution
Eigenvalues Jacobian iteration
Numerical errors in ODE
Taylor Series single/double precision
LU decomposition Matlab
Matlab ode45
Penta-diagonal solver
My matlab functions
Finite difference formulas
Euler circuits Fleury algorithm
Roots of unity
On solving $x^{\frac{n}{m}}=a$
Solving $Ax=b$ Using Mason's graph
Picard to solve non-linear state space
search path animations contour plots
unit simplex in 3D
Matlab simplex
Show RREF steps for Matrix
Laplacian using Tensor calculus
derivation trig identities
Finding Morse function in dynamics
Notes on finite difference schemes
Solving the electron spin 1 problem
Frobenius series examples
Gaussian Quadrature 1D
Dynamics and Structures
2nd order in simulink
Stiffness matrix 4 DOF beam
Plain strain triangle element
LEO to GEO orbit
Double pendulum
Double pendulum with springs
Single swing pendulum on spring
Dynamics notes
Aerospace notes
Rolling disks
Screw axis kinematics
Deformation gradient tensor
Stress in deformed solids
Vibration modal analysis
Euler-Bernoulli beam deflection
Pendulum/moving cart
Rolling sphere on cylinder
4 bugs on corners of square
Elizabeth Ashman Bridge Vibration
Miscellaneous Notes
Javascript examples
Boeing poster
Matlab units fig file
My chess games
Book collection
Matlab GUI in GUIDE
DNA analysis
Volume Managers survey
ASCII table
comp.text.tex trend
HP poster LAN protocols
Column layout in HTML and Latex
Newsgroup trafficc
School Things
Courses taken
Universities went to
US school rankings
PCA cancer detection
Mathematics of HYPR
PCR software patent
Wolfram Research award
Academic award
UK A-level exam PDF