zip files are build such that each is self contained with all the needed matlab files and .fig file (if applicable) to run each application or function from the directory created once the zip file is unzipped
Work in progress, this page is updated all the time.
No. |
file name |
depend |
zip |
description |
1 |
2 |
implementation of LU Decomposition and Linear Solver using Matlab |
3 |
Small Matlab GUI untility to change units of a Matlab .fig file. Make sure to save a copy of your fig file before using, just in case. HTML |
4 |
Solve Lotka-Volterra 2-ODE system |
5 |
conjugate gradient with pre-conditioning solver |
6 |
GUI for conjugate gradient solver |
7 |
driver function for nma_CG
8 |
another driver for nma_CG.m |
9 |
builds finite difference A matrix for 1-D laplace |
10 |
builds finite difference A matrix for 1-D laplace nuemman boundary conditions |
11 |
builds finite difference A matrix for 1-D laplace dirichlet boundary conditions |
12 |
builds finite difference A matrix for 1-D laplace |
13 |
generate A and f for the \(Au=f\), to solve for u on 2D based on 5 points laplacian. |
14 |
solves the FitzHugh-Nagumo on unit square
15 |
checks that matrix is SPD |
16 |
checks that matrix is symmetrix |
17 |
Class implements Lax-Wendroff for 1D advection PDE |
18 |
driver tests nma_LaxWendroff class |
19 |
lab4 assignment MAE121 dynamics, UC david
20 |
called by GUI to implement the numerical solution for Lab4 UC davis |
21 |
script solves 2D Poission PDE on unit square using Jacobian iterative method |
22 |
Solve 2D poisson PDE on unit square. Dirichlet B.C |
23 |
script solves 2D poisson on unit square, zero boundary conditions, SOR method |
24 |
solves parabolic PDE using explicit method |
25 |
driver for nma_PDE_parabolic_explicit_rod() |
26 |
solve parabolic PDE using explicit method for changing boundary conditions |
27 |
driver for nma_PDE_parabolic_explicit_rod_with_rate_BC() |
28 |
solve 1st order ODE using Runge-Kutta classical 4th order |
29 |
function solves \(Au=f\) using the method of steepest descent. |
30 |
implement multigrid V Cycle |
31 |
implement HW3, Math 228B, advection ODE solver
32 |
draws an arrow annotation on figure |
33 |
implements coarse to fine grid bilinear interpolation mapping |
34 |
GUI main for changing figure unit program |
35 |
auxiliary function to validate boundary conditions |
36 |
main GUI file for controllor simulation |
37 |
main GUI file for 1D diffusion solver
38 |
main GUI file for lab1 MAE121, UC davis
39 |
Solve ODE using Euler-Heun (corrector-predictor method) |
40 |
Solve ODE using Euler-Heun (corrector-predictor method) |
41 |
solve ODE using Euler-mid-point algorithm |
42 |
evaluates string as 1D function for boundary conditions |
43 |
restriction operator for fine grid to a coarse grid full weight mapping on 2D |
44 |
Finds initial inclincatin correction for orbit relative to a larger circular orbit |
45 |
helper function for rocket design project |
46 |
find the grid norm |
47 |
calculates residue |
48 |
prints matrix of numerical data with headings in formatted way |
49 |
helper function to generate A,b for solver |
50 |
generate the A and B matrices used by the ADI solver. |
51 |
This function generates one text file for each m file it finds in the same folder it is running from. For each m file it finds, it generates the text file which contains a list of the m files that the current m file depends on. This uses fdep() function from matlab central feb 13, 2012
52 |
This function generates one text file for each m file it finds in the same folder it is running from. For each m file it finds, it generates the text file which contains a list of the m files that the current m file depends on. This uses fdep() function from matlab central march 1, 2013 clean up more, moved to htlatex Nov 22, 2012
53 |
calculates time of flight for the orbit moving from nu0 to nu. |
54 |
flux function for PDE numerical course, UC Davis |
55 |
find orbit parameters from the velocity and position vectors |
56 |
compute the Universal Variable X for an orbit |
57 |
helper function to find index |
58 |
read a numeric number from user and keeps trying untill the user types correct value |
59 |
main GUI file for lab2 MAE 121 UC Davis
60 |
main GUI file for lab3 MAE 121, UC Davis
61 |
helper function to make sparse matrix |
62 |
helper function to make sparse 2D matrix |
63 |
generate 3D sparse matrix for poisson 3D |
64 |
solve laplace PDE for rectangular region Dirclet BC |
65 |
solves laplace PDE for rectangular region Dirclet BC |
66 |
solves laplace PDE for rectangular region Nuemann BC |
67 |
main GUI file for all my math 228 other GUI apps |
68 |
implements the refinement study for HW2, ath 228B UC Davis |
69 |
Lax-Wendroff to solve the wave equation
70 |
solves diffusion problem \(u\_t + a * u\_x = 0\) using finite volume method with flux limiter functions |
72 |
solves 3 bars and 2 springs with IC using modal analysis
based solution |
73 |
Moves probe in an orbit for deltaTime |
74 |
main GUI file for orbit simulator
75 |
script to plot stress diagram, plain stress |
76 |
main GUI file for poisson 2D solver
77 |
called by the Matlab GUI to solve equation of motion Lab 1 MAE 121 |
78 |
class implements the rectangular pulse used in implementation of HW3, Math 228B. |
79 |
make an annotation of a rectangle |
80 |
class used for doing refinement study for my math 228 numerical PDE class |
81 |
does one iteration relaxation, called by V cycle for multigrid solver |
82 |
Nasser M. Abbasi 011212 NO ERROR CHECKING DONE ON INPUT. Rescale a matrix or a vector A |
83 |
design rocket from earth to GEO |
84 |
helper function for rocket design project, UCI |
85 |
Solves equation 5.57 in book orbital mechanices page 96, by Prussing and Conway |
86 |
design for a multi-stage rocket. |
87 |
Solves for Mp (mass of properellent) and Ms (mass of structure) for a given one stage rocket. |
88 |
Solves rocket equation for delta V, mass of properellent and mass of structure and payload |
89 |
Solves rocket equation for delta V, mass of properellent and mass of structure and payload |
90 |
generate the Romberg integration table |
91 |
driver to test romberg integration table |
92 |
runs simulation of probe starting from some position and velosity vector for some delta time |
93 |
utility function, called to create a figure in middle of window |
94 |
solves HW problem 4.3 |
95 |
Solves 2D diffusion PDE \(u\_t = D (u\_xx+u\_yy)\) on unit square Neumann BC using cell centered grid points and ADI schem |
96 |
script to solve 2D diffusion |
97 |
solves \(w\_t = epsilson(w-gamma w)\) for problem 3, HW 2, Math 228B UC Davis |
98 |
solves the reaction ODE part of the FitzHugh-Nagumo equations |
99 |
Solve poisson 2D pde on unit square zero BC using multigrid V cycle method |
100 |
computes the cubic splines between any number of points. |
101 |
driver for cubic splines using the improved method. |
102 |
static class to make spring for plotting animations |
103 |
simulation of steady state single degree of freedom system
with harmonic input |
104 |
driver to test findAlphaForMinDeltaV |
105 |
integrate a function using trapezoidal rule using specific number of strips. |
106 |
107 |
auxiliary function used by other function to validate input dimensions are consistent. |
108 |
auxiliary function validates input dimensions consistent for 1D only |
109 |
verifies string represents non negative number |
110 |
verfies input string represents a numerical value |
111 |
verifies input string represents positive integer |
112 |
verifies input string represents positive number |
113 |
zoom a gray image by factor and return new image |
114 |
source file implement steepest descent |