function o = nma_getOrbitParams(r_vec,v_vec,mu) %find orbit parameters from the velocity and position vectors %function o = getOrbitParams(r_vec,v_vec,mu) % %Finds orbit parameters from the velosity and position vectors % %INPUT: % r_vec : Vector. The position vector of probe. An array of 3 numbers. % v_vec : Vector. The velosity vector of probe. An array of 3 numbers. % mu : Scalar. The gravitional parameter. % %OUTPUT: % % a struct that contains these fields % % energy : Scalar. the orbit Energy. % h_vec : vector. angular momentum. % p : Scalar. orbit semi-latus rectum, or "parameter" % a : Scalar. orbit semi-major axis length in same units as mu. % e_vec : vector. orbit eccentricity vector. % c : scalar. half the distance between 2 foci. % rp : scalar. distance to perigee % rp_vec : vector. a vector pointing from foci to perigree of same % length as rp. % ra : scalar. distance to apegee. % ra_vec : vector. similar to rp_vec, but for the apirgee % period : scalar. period of probe. % %Example Call: % % This is an example how to call this function % % mu=1; % v_vec = [1 2 -4.4]; % v0_vec = I + 2J + 4.4K % r_vec = [2 3 4]; % r0_vec = 2I + 3J + 4 K % % orbitProp = nma_getOrbitParams(r_vec,v_vec,mu); % % Author: Nasser Abbasi % Version: 1.0 %change history: % % name date changes %----- ------ --------- % nma 4/30/03 Initial v1.0 % nma 5/3/02 changed it to return a struct r = norm(r_vec); v = norm(v_vec); = v^2/2 - mu/r; o.h_vec = cross(r_vec,v_vec); o.p = norm(o.h_vec)^2/mu; o.e_vec = cross(v_vec,o.h_vec)/mu - ( r_vec/norm(r_vec) ); e=norm(o.e_vec); if(abs(e-1)