I would like to assume a parameter as a constant using MAPLE V R5 I used the following:
> assume(L, constant); > type(L, constant); false > whattype(L); symbol
how can I assume a constant
Here is one possible solution (in Maple V R5.1, but I think this has worked in most previous releases of Maple V):
> constants := L, constants; constants := L, false, gamma, infinity, true, Catalan, FAIL, Pi > type(L, constant); true
Here is one possible solution (in Maple V R5.1, but I think this has worked in most previous releases of Maple V):
> constants := L, constants; constants := L, false, gamma, infinity, true, Catalan, FAIL, Pi > type(L, constant); true
There is a global variable "constants" that contains all names that Maple knows as symbolic constants. To make L a constant, you just append it to this variable’s value:
> constants:= constants, L; > type(L, constant); true
If you want "evalf" to give L a numerical value, you can assign that to `evalf/constant/L`
For example:
> `evalf/constant/L`:= 1.2345; > evalf(2+L); 3.2345
I get as result: 2. + L. As stated in the help page of evalf you should define
as a procedure. If I do so: `evalf/constant/L` := proc() 1.2345 end:
I get the above mentioned result for evalf(2+L).
(U. Klein)
The error is that assume fixes properties of variables and relationships between them. It cannot affect types. The correct syntax for checking properties is:
> is(L,constant); true
The confusion was caused because, as well as the property constant, there is also a type constant, which seems to include the type numeric and any names held within the global variable constants.
Thus it is possible to give a name or symbol the type constant, using a command like:
> constants := constants,myconstant;
I don’t know what the benefit of doing this is.
There are other properties and types that share names, such as integer.
I hope this helps, but I am not sure what significance the property constant has in Maple. Perhaps the question should be "Why do you want to assume that L is constant?"