There seem to be something curious about the associated Legendre function of the first kind, LegendreP(v,u,x) (I am using version 5.1 on a PC under NT 4.0):
> g1 := sum('binomial(2*n+1,2*k+1)*2^(3*k)','k'=0..n); (3/4) n g1 := 1/8 (2 n + 1) sqrt(Pi) 8 (-7) LegendreP(n, -1/2, -9/7)
let us see g1 for n=0 and 1
> for n from 0 to 1 do g1 od; (3/4) -2 (-1) (3/4) - 21/8 sqrt(Pi) 8 LegendreP(1, -1/2, -9/7)
first surprise, we would have expected 1 and 11, respectively, and certainly not a complex number in the case n=0. I found no way to obtain the answers expressed as integers, so I decided to force the floating point evaluation of g1
> for n from 0 to 3 do evalf(g1) od; 1.414213562 - 1.414213562 I 22.00000000 298.0000001 4286.000004
Hmmm, truncation errors... AND, apart from the spurious complex value for n=0, what seems to be TWICE the correct result.
Let us try something else, using the inert operator Sum.
> g1b := Sum(binomial(2*n+1,2*k+1)*2^(3*k),k=0..n): > for n from 0 to 3 do value(g1b) od; 1 11 149 2143
correct results at last!
In fact, the result is the sum of the nth powers of 9 +- 4sqrt(2)
with appropriate
coefficients. It can also be calculated using
h := proc(n) option remember; if n<2 then 10*n+1 else 18*h(n-1)-49*h(n-2) fi end;
I have two questions:
- why are the LegendreP functions used in the simplification of sums when even
the Help about them acknowledges that their definition is a bit tricky, with
_EnvLegendreCut being -1..1 or 1..infinity
- is the numerical evaluation of these functions correctly implemented?
differs from 2*sqrt(tan(phi/2)/Pi)
, as given in the
Gradshteyn-Ryzhik (eq. 8.753.1)
Apparently there is a bug in Release 5 concerning Legendre functions. Release 4 uses hypergeometric functions for the sum:
> restart; > g1a:=sum(binomial(2*n+1,2*k+1)*2^(3*k),k=0..n); g1a := (2 n + 1) hypergeom([-n + 1/2, -n], [3/2], 8) > for n from 0 to 3 do simplify(g1a) od; 1 11 149 2143
This is the correct result.