2.4.30 Problem 26


Internal problem ID [8919]
Book : Own collection of miscellaneous problems
Section : section 4.0
Problem number : 26
Date solved : Wednesday, March 05, 2025 at 07:08:13 AM
CAS classification : [[_2nd_order, _exact, _linear, _homogeneous]]



Using series expansion around x=0

The type of the expansion point is first determined. This is done on the homogeneous part of the ODE.


The following is summary of singularities for the above ode. Writing the ode as



Table 2.79: Table p(x),q(x) singularites.
singularity type
x=3 “regular”
x=0 “regular”
singularity type
x=3 “regular”
x=0 “regular”

Combining everything together gives the following summary of singularities for the ode as

Regular singular points : [3,0,]

Irregular singular points : []

Since x=0 is regular singular point, then Frobenius power series is used. The ode is normalized to be


Let the solution be represented as Frobenius power series of the form




Substituting the above back into the ode gives


Which simplifies to


The next step is to make all powers of x be n+r in each summation term. Going over each summation term above with power of x in it which is not already xn+r and adjusting the power and the corresponding index gives


Substituting all the above in Eq (2A) gives the following equation where now all powers of x are the same and equal to n+r.


The indicial equation is obtained from n=0. From Eq (2B) this gives


When n=0 the above becomes




Since a00 then the above simplifies to


Since the above is true for all x then the indicial equation becomes


Solving for r gives the roots of the indicial equation as


Since a00 then the indicial equation becomes


Solving for r gives the roots of the indicial equation as [13,1].

Since r1r2=43 is not an integer, then we can construct two linearly independent solutions




We start by finding y1(x). Eq (2B) derived above is now used to find all an coefficients. The case n=0 is skipped since it was used to find the roots of the indicial equation. a0 is arbitrary and taken as a0=1. For 1n the recursive equation is


Solving for an from recursive equation (4) gives


Which for the root r=13 becomes


At this point, it is a good idea to keep track of an in a table both before substituting r=13 and after as more terms are found using the above recursive equation.

n an,r an
a0 1 1

For n=1, using the above recursive equation gives


Which for the root r=13 becomes


And the table now becomes

n an,r an
a0 1 1
a1 2r2+3r 79

For n=2, using the above recursive equation gives


Which for the root r=13 becomes


And the table now becomes

n an,r an
a0 1 1
a1 2r2+3r 79
a2 r2+5r+69r2+21r+10 3581

For n=3, using the above recursive equation gives


Which for the root r=13 becomes


And the table now becomes

n an,r an
a0 1 1
a1 2r2+3r 79
a2 r2+5r+69r2+21r+10 3581
a3 r39r226r2427r3+135r2+198r+80 4552187

For n=4, using the above recursive equation gives


Which for the root r=13 becomes


And the table now becomes

n an,r an
a0 1 1
a1 2r2+3r 79
a2 r2+5r+69r2+21r+10 3581
a3 r39r226r2427r3+135r2+198r+80 4552187
a4 r4+14r3+71r2+154r+12081r4+702r3+2079r2+2418r+880 182019683

For n=5, using the above recursive equation gives


Which for the root r=13 becomes


And the table now becomes

n an,r an
a0 1 1
a1 2r2+3r 79
a2 r2+5r+69r2+21r+10 3581
a3 r39r226r2427r3+135r2+198r+80 4552187
a4 r4+14r3+71r2+154r+12081r4+702r3+2079r2+2418r+880 182019683
a5 r520r4155r3580r21044r720243r5+3240r4+16065r3+36360r2+36492r+12320 6916177147

Using the above table, then the solution y1(x) is


Now the second solution y2(x) is found. Eq (2B) derived above is now used to find all bn coefficients. The case n=0 is skipped since it was used to find the roots of the indicial equation. b0 is arbitrary and taken as b0=1. For 1n the recursive equation is


Solving for bn from recursive equation (4) gives


Which for the root r=1 becomes


At this point, it is a good idea to keep track of bn in a table both before substituting r=1 and after as more terms are found using the above recursive equation.

n bn,r bn
b0 1 1

For n=1, using the above recursive equation gives


Which for the root r=1 becomes


And the table now becomes

n bn,r bn
b0 1 1
b1 2r2+3r 1

For n=2, using the above recursive equation gives


Which for the root r=1 becomes


And the table now becomes

n bn,r bn
b0 1 1
b1 2r2+3r 1
b2 r2+5r+69r2+21r+10 1

For n=3, using the above recursive equation gives


Which for the root r=1 becomes


And the table now becomes

n bn,r bn
b0 1 1
b1 2r2+3r 1
b2 r2+5r+69r2+21r+10 1
b3 r39r226r2427r3+135r2+198r+80 35

For n=4, using the above recursive equation gives


Which for the root r=1 becomes


And the table now becomes

n bn,r bn
b0 1 1
b1 2r2+3r 1
b2 r2+5r+69r2+21r+10 1
b3 r39r226r2427r3+135r2+198r+80 35
b4 r4+14r3+71r2+154r+12081r4+702r3+2079r2+2418r+880 310

For n=5, using the above recursive equation gives


Which for the root r=1 becomes


And the table now becomes

n bn,r bn
b0 1 1
b1 2r2+3r 1
b2 r2+5r+69r2+21r+10 1
b3 r39r226r2427r3+135r2+198r+80 35
b4 r4+14r3+71r2+154r+12081r4+702r3+2079r2+2418r+880 310
b5 r520r4155r3580r21044r720243r5+3240r4+16065r3+36360r2+36492r+12320 322

Using the above table, then the solution y2(x) is


Therefore the homogeneous solution is


Hence the final solution is

Maple. Time used: 0.015 (sec). Leaf size: 48
ode:=x^2*(x+3)*diff(diff(y(x),x),x)+5*x*(x+1)*diff(y(x),x)-(1-4*x)*y(x) = 0; 

Maple trace

`Methods for second order ODEs: 
--- Trying classification methods --- 
trying a quadrature 
checking if the LODE has constant coefficients 
checking if the LODE is of Euler type 
trying a symmetry of the form [xi=0, eta=F(x)] 
   One independent solution has integrals. Trying a hypergeometric solution free of integrals... 
   -> hyper3: Equivalence to 2F1, 1F1 or 0F1 under a power @ Moebius 
   <- hyper3 successful: received ODE is equivalent to the 2F1 ODE 
   -> Trying to convert hypergeometric functions to elementary form... 
   <- elementary form for at least one hypergeometric solution is achieved - returning with no uncomputed integrals 
<- linear_1 successful`

Maple step by step

Let’s solvex2(x+3)(d2dx2y(x))+5x(x+1)(ddxy(x))(14x)y(x)=0Highest derivative means the order of the ODE is2d2dx2y(x)Isolate 2nd derivatived2dx2y(x)=(4x1)y(x)x2(x+3)5(x+1)(ddxy(x))x(x+3)Group terms withy(x)on the lhs of the ODE and the rest on the rhs of the ODE; ODE is lineard2dx2y(x)+5(x+1)(ddxy(x))x(x+3)+(4x1)y(x)x2(x+3)=0Check to see ifx0is a regular singular pointDefine functions[P2(x)=5(x+1)x(x+3),P3(x)=4x1x2(x+3)](x+3)P2(x)is analytic atx=3((x+3)P2(x))|x=3=103(x+3)2P3(x)is analytic atx=3((x+3)2P3(x))|x=3=0x=3is a regular singular pointCheck to see ifx0is a regular singular pointx0=3Multiply by denominatorsx2(x+3)(d2dx2y(x))+5x(x+1)(ddxy(x))+(4x1)y(x)=0Change variables usingx=u3so that the regular singular point is atu=0(u36u2+9u)(d2du2y(u))+(5u225u+30)(dduy(u))+(4u13)y(u)=0Assume series solution fory(u)y(u)=k=0akuk+rRewrite ODE with series expansionsConvertumy(u)to series expansion form=0..1umy(u)=k=0akuk+r+mShift index usingk>kmumy(u)=k=makmuk+rConvertum(dduy(u))to series expansion form=0..2um(dduy(u))=k=0ak(k+r)uk+r1+mShift index usingk>k+1mum(dduy(u))=k=1+mak+1m(k+1m+r)uk+rConvertum(d2du2y(u))to series expansion form=1..3um(d2du2y(u))=k=0ak(k+r)(k+r1)uk+r2+mShift index usingk>k+2mum(d2du2y(u))=k=2+mak+2m(k+2m+r)(k+1m+r)uk+rRewrite ODE with series expansions3a0r(7+3r)u1+r+(3a1(1+r)(10+3r)a0(13+6r)(1+r))ur+(k=1(3ak+1(k+r+1)(3k+10+3r)ak(6k+6r+13)(k+r+1)+ak1(k+r+1)2)uk+r)=0a0cannot be 0 by assumption, giving the indicial equation3r(7+3r)=0Values of r that satisfy the indicial equationr{0,73}Each term must be 03a1(1+r)(10+3r)a0(13+6r)(1+r)=0Each term in the series must be 0, giving the recursion relation6((akak163ak+12)k+(akak163ak+12)r+13ak6ak165ak+1)(k+r+1)=0Shift index usingk>k+16((ak+1ak63ak+22)(k+1)+(ak+1ak63ak+22)r+13ak+16ak65ak+2)(k+r+2)=0Recursion relation that defines series solution to ODEak+2=kak6kak+1+rak6rak+1+2ak19ak+13(3k+13+3r)Recursion relation forr=0ak+2=kak6kak+1+2ak19ak+13(3k+13)Solution forr=0[y(u)=k=0akuk,ak+2=kak6kak+1+2ak19ak+13(3k+13),30a113a0=0]Revert the change of variablesu=x+3[y(x)=k=0ak(x+3)k,ak+2=kak6kak+1+2ak19ak+13(3k+13),30a113a0=0]Recursion relation forr=73ak+2=kak6kak+113ak5ak+13(3k+6)Solution forr=73[y(u)=k=0akuk73,ak+2=kak6kak+113ak5ak+13(3k+6),12a14a03=0]Revert the change of variablesu=x+3[y(x)=k=0ak(x+3)k73,ak+2=kak6kak+113ak5ak+13(3k+6),12a14a03=0]Combine solutions and rename parameters[y(x)=(k=0ak(x+3)k)+(k=0bk(x+3)k73),ak+2=kak6kak+1+2ak19ak+13(3k+13),30a113a0=0,bk+2=kbk6kbk+113bk5bk+13(3k+6),12b14b03=0]
Mathematica. Time used: 0.016 (sec). Leaf size: 82
ode=x^2*(3+x)*D[y[x],{x,2}] + 5*x*(1+x)*D[y[x],x] - (1-4*x)*y[x] == 0; 
Sympy. Time used: 1.118 (sec). Leaf size: 15
from sympy import * 
x = symbols("x") 
y = Function("y") 
ode = Eq(x**2*(x + 3)*Derivative(y(x), (x, 2)) + 5*x*(x + 1)*Derivative(y(x), x) - (1 - 4*x)*y(x),0) 
ics = {} 