================================== Top new questions this week: ================================== [Format and TeXForm does not work as expected]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/47417/format-a nd-texform-does-not-work-as-expected} Recently, we had a nice question which brought up an issue that I believe is a bug. In the tutorial Defining Output Formats is an example at the end which doesn't make sense This specifies the ... - asked by halirutan (12 votes), answered by halirutan (4 votes) ---------------------------- [How to implement the Observer design pattern?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/47659/how-to-i mplement-the-observer-design-pattern} As a programmer with a history with procedural languages, the Observer design pattern inmediately springs to my mind when attacking certain class of problems, mostly UI/notifications related. A ... - asked by Fallible (11 votes), answered by Leonid Shifrin (9 votes) ---------------------------- [How should I reproduce this colorful swirling gif?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/47597/how-should-i -reproduce-this-colorful-swirling-gif} Surfing on the web, I came upon this cool gif: Does any one know how to reproduce this in Mathematica? I have some ideas myself, so I will try to answer this question as well. - asked by Ali (10 votes), answered by Kuba (20 votes) ---------------------------- [How to create Line Chart with real third coordinates?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/47541/how- to-create-line-chart-with-real-third-coordinates} I would like to generate something like 3D Line Chart in Excel. Like the following figure but including third coordinates. Example I have a set of 2D data combied with 1D spatial data. dxy = ... - asked by Vica (9 votes), answered by Yves Klett (2 votes) ---------------------------- [How can I tell how much memory is taken by an expression?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/47491/how-c an-i-tell-how-much-memory-is-taken-by-an-expression} ByteCount and LeafCount don't really work, as shown below. Mathematica 9.0 .. on a 32 bit Windows machine. f[n_] := Block[{k = f[n - 1]}, {k, k}] f[0] = x LeafCount[f[k]] for particular small ... - asked by Richard Fateman (7 votes), answered by billisphere (5 votes) ---------------------------- [Simplify with Assumptions Sqrt[(expr)^2]]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/47548/si mplify-with-assumptions-sqrtexpr2} While trying to simplify expressions in the form Sqrt[(expr)^2] when expr>0 I noticed a peculiar behavior that was not resolved with code from this Q&A. Simplify[Sqrt[(x - y + a b c)^2], x - y ... - asked by tchronis (6 votes), answered by Simon Woods (9 votes) ---------------------------- [How to use PlotRange -> All with ListLogLinearPlot?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/4739 3/how-to-use-plotrange-all-with-listloglinearplot} I would like to generate a ListLogLinearPlot that automatically shows all the data points. However the option PlotRange -> All does not achieve this. Why does All not include all of the data in ... - asked by Italianice (6 votes), answered by Alexey Popkov (3 votes) ================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ================================== [How to determine the center and radius of a circle given three points in 3D?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/16209/how-to-determ ine-the-center-and-radius-of-a-circle-given-three-points-in-3d} I was wondering if anyone could give me a hand with this problem I have. I have six points on a plane, and I am trying to determine if they form a circle or not. I know that any three points in 2D ... - asked by RedPotatoe (9 votes), answered by Mark McClure (15 votes) ---------------------------- [What is the best Mathematica tutorial for young people?]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/733/what-is-the -best-mathematica-tutorial-for-young-people} As Conrad Wolfram said at the TED conference, in the future kids should focus more on new technology. Computers compute better than humans, so we should focus more on thinking and getting the ... - asked by noisy (32 votes), answered by Vitaliy Kaurov (17 votes) ================================== Can you answer these? ================================== [Module in numerical model for NonlinearModelFit is slow and leaks memory]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/47562/module-in- numerical-model-for-nonlinearmodelfit-is-slow-and-leaks-memory} I am trying to make a NonlinearModelFit where the model is the result of a numerical calculation. My code works, but it is very slow and also seems to have a memory leak. I'd appreciate advice about ... - asked by jkrich (3 votes) ---------------------------- [Quantities formatting problem]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/47515/quantitie s-formatting-problem} So I've developed this simple code Mes /: MakeBoxes[Mes[mess_, error_, unit_], form : (StandardForm | TraditionalForm) : StandardForm ] := RowBox[{ ... - asked by Ranza (2 votes) ---------------------------- [calling CUDA library functions]\url{http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/47702/calling -cuda-library-functions} Mathematica has some predefined CUDA functions, like CUDAMap, CUDAFourier, etc. My question is how can one call functions which are part of CUDA library but not part of predefined Mathematica ... - asked by user1188038 (1 vote)