155 HNPDE, chapter 1.1.3

155.1 Problem 1
155.2 Problem 2
155.3 Problem 3
155.4 Problem 4


155.1 Problem 1

problem number 1246

Added March 23, 2019.

Problem Chapter, from Handbook of nonlinear partial differential equations by Andrei D. Polyanin, Valentin F. Zaitsev.

Solve for \(w(x,t)\)

\[ w_t = a w_{xx} +b w^k \]


ClearAll[w, x, y, n, a, b, m, c, k, alpha, beta, gamma, A, C0, s]; 
 ClearAll[lambda, B, mu, d, g, B, v, f, h, q, p, delta, t]; 
 ClearAll[g1, g0, h2, h1, h0, f1, f2]; 
 ClearAll[a1, a0, b3, b2, b1, b0, c2, c1, c0, k0, k1, k2, s1, s0, k22, k11, k12, s11, s22, s12]; 
 pde = D[w[x, t], t] == a*D[w[x, t], {x, 2}] + b*w[x, t]^k; 
 sol = AbsoluteTiming[TimeConstrained[DSolve[pde, w[x, t], {x, t}], 60*10]];

\[ \text {Failed} \]


pde :=  diff(w(x,t),t)= a*diff(w(x,t),x$2) +b*w(x,t)^k; 
cpu_time := timelimit(60*10,CodeTools[Usage](assign('sol',pdsolve(pde,w(x,t))),output='realtime'));

\[ \text { sol=() } \]


155.2 Problem 2

problem number 1247

Added March 23, 2019.

Problem Chapter, from Handbook of nonlinear partial differential equations by Andrei D. Polyanin, Valentin F. Zaitsev.

Solve for \(w(x,t)\)

\[ w_t = w_{xx} +a w+ b w^m \]


ClearAll[w, x, y, n, a, b, m, c, k, alpha, beta, gamma, A, C0, s]; 
 ClearAll[lambda, B, mu, d, g, B, v, f, h, q, p, delta, t]; 
 ClearAll[g1, g0, h2, h1, h0, f1, f2]; 
 ClearAll[a1, a0, b3, b2, b1, b0, c2, c1, c0, k0, k1, k2, s1, s0, k22, k11, k12, s11, s22, s12]; 
 pde = D[w[x, t], t] == D[w[x, t], {x, 2}] + a*w[x, t] + b*w[x, t]^m; 
 sol = AbsoluteTiming[TimeConstrained[DSolve[pde, w[x, t], {x, t}], 60*10]];

\[ \text {Failed} \]


pde :=  diff(w(x,t),t)= diff(w(x,t),x$2) +a*w(x,t)+b*w(x,t)^m; 
cpu_time := timelimit(60*10,CodeTools[Usage](assign('sol',pdsolve(pde,w(x,t))),output='realtime'));

\[ \text { sol=() } \]


155.3 Problem 3

problem number 1248

Added March 23, 2019.

Problem Chapter, from Handbook of nonlinear partial differential equations by Andrei D. Polyanin, Valentin F. Zaitsev.

Solve for \(w(x,t)\)

\[ w_t = w_{xx} +a w+ b w^m + c w^{2 m -1} \]


ClearAll[w, x, y, n, a, b, m, c, k, alpha, beta, gamma, A, C0, s]; 
 ClearAll[lambda, B, mu, d, g, B, v, f, h, q, p, delta, t]; 
 ClearAll[g1, g0, h2, h1, h0, f1, f2]; 
 ClearAll[a1, a0, b3, b2, b1, b0, c2, c1, c0, k0, k1, k2, s1, s0, k22, k11, k12, s11, s22, s12]; 
 pde = D[w[x, t], t] == D[w[x, t], {x, 2}] + a*w[x, t] + b*w[x, t]^m + c*w[x, t]^(2*m - 1); 
 sol = AbsoluteTiming[TimeConstrained[DSolve[pde, w[x, t], {x, t}], 60*10]];

\[ \text {Failed} \]


pde :=  diff(w(x,t),t)= diff(w(x,t),x$2) +a*w(x,t)+b*w(x,t)^m+c*w(x,t)^(2*m-1); 
cpu_time := timelimit(60*10,CodeTools[Usage](assign('sol',pdsolve(pde,w(x,t))),output='realtime'));

\[ \text { sol=() } \]


155.4 Problem 4

problem number 1249

Added March 23, 2019.

Problem Chapter, from Handbook of nonlinear partial differential equations by Andrei D. Polyanin, Valentin F. Zaitsev.

Solve for \(w(x,t)\)

\[ w_t = w_{xx} +a w^{m -1} + b m w^m - m b^2 w^{2 m -1} \]


ClearAll[w, x, y, n, a, b, m, c, k, alpha, beta, gamma, A, C0, s]; 
 ClearAll[lambda, B, mu, d, g, B, v, f, h, q, p, delta, t]; 
 ClearAll[g1, g0, h2, h1, h0, f1, f2]; 
 ClearAll[a1, a0, b3, b2, b1, b0, c2, c1, c0, k0, k1, k2, s1, s0, k22, k11, k12, s11, s22, s12]; 
 pde = D[w[x, t], t] == D[w[x, t], {x, 2}] + a*w[x, t]^(m - 1) + b*m*w[x, t]^m - m*b^2*w[x, t]^(2*m - 1); 
 sol = AbsoluteTiming[TimeConstrained[DSolve[pde, w[x, t], {x, t}], 60*10]];

\[ \text {Failed} \]


pde :=  diff(w(x,t),t)= diff(w(x,t),x$2) +a*w(x,t)^(m-1)+b*m*w(x,t)^m-m*b^2*w(x,t)^(2*m-1); 
cpu_time := timelimit(60*10,CodeTools[Usage](assign('sol',pdsolve(pde,w(x,t))),output='realtime'));

\[ \text { sol=() } \]