Problem: Given a matrix, replace the first nonzero element in each row by some a specific value. This is an example. Given matrix \(A\) below, replace the first non-zero element in each row by \(-1\), then
\(A=\begin {pmatrix} 50 & 75 & 0\\ 50 & 0 & 100\\ 0 & 75 & 100\\ 75 & 100 & 0\\ 0 & 75 & 100\\ 0 & 75 & 100 \end {pmatrix} \) will become \(B=\begin {pmatrix} -1 & 75 & 0\\ -1 & 0 & 100\\ 0 & -1 & 100\\ -1 & 100 & 0\\ 0 & -1 & 100\\ 0 & -1 & 100 \end {pmatrix} \)
A={ {50, 75, 0},{50, 0, 100}, {0, 75, 100},{75, 100, 0}, {0, 75, 100},{0, 75, 100}}; ReplacePart[A,DeleteDuplicates[ Position[A,_?(#!=0&)], (#1[[1]]==#2[[1]]&)]->-1]
Solution due to Bob Hanlon (from Mathematica newsgroup)
r=Union[Position[A,_?(# !=0&)], SameTest->(#1[[1]]==#2[[1]]&)]; ReplacePart[A,r->-1]
Solution by Fred Simons (from Mathematica newsgroup)
r=Split[Position[A,_?(# !=0&),{2}], #1[[1]]==#2[[1]]&][[All,1]]; ReplacePart[A,r->-1]
Solution due to Adriano Pascoletti (from Mathematica newsgroup)
r=(First /@ Split[#1,First[#1]===First[#2]&]&) [Position[A,x_/;x!=0]] ReplacePart[A,r->-1]
Solution due to Oliver Ruebenkoenig (from Mathematica newsgroup)
r=First /@ SplitBy[ Drop[ArrayRules[ SparseArray[A]][[All,1]],-1],First] ReplacePart[A,r->-1]
Solution due to Szabolcs Horvát (from Mathematica newsgroup)
r=MapIndexed[{First[#2],1+LengthWhile[#1,#==0&]}&,A] ReplacePart[A,r->-1]
These all give
{{-1,75,0},{-1,0,100},{0,-1,100}, {-1,100,0},{0,-1,100},{0,-1,100}}
A=[50 75 0; 50 0 100; 0 75 100; 75 100 0; 0 75 100; 0 75 100]; [I,J] = ind2sub(size(A),find(A~=0)); [b,c] = unique(I,'first'); A(sub2ind(size(A),b,J(c)))=-1
This solution due to Bruno Luong (from matlab newsgroup)
B = cumsum(A~=0,2)>0 B = [false(size(B,1),1) B] A(logical(diff(B,1,2))) = -1
This solution due to Jos from matlab newsgroup
A((cumsum(~~A,2)==1) & (A ~= 0)) = -1
The above solutions all give
A = -1 75 0 -1 0 100 0 -1 100 -1 100 0 0 -1 100 0 -1 100