Problem: Given the following block diagram, with sampling time \(T=0.1\ sec\), generate the closed loop transfer function, and that poles of the closed loop transfer function are inside the unit circle
System block diagram.
Remove["Global`*"] plant = TransferFunctionModel[s/(1.0+s),s]; plantd = ToDiscreteTimeModel[ plant, 1, z, Method->"ZeroOrderHold"]
d = ToDiscreteTimeModel[ TransferFunctionModel[(s+1)/(s+5.0),s], 1, z, Method->"ZeroOrderHold"]
Now generate unit step response
ListPlot[OutputResponse[loopBack, Table[1, {k, 0, 20}]], Joined->True, PlotRange->All, InterpolationOrder->0, Frame->True, PlotStyle->{Thick,Red}, GridLines->Automatic, GridLinesStyle->Dashed, FrameLabel->{{"y(k)",None}, {"n","plant response"}}, RotateLabel->False]
\[ {\begin {array}{c} \{0.543991\, -0.325556 i,0.543991\, +0.325556 i\} \\ \end {array}} \]
\[ \left ( {\begin {array}{c} \{0.633966,0.633966\} \\ \end {array}} \right ) \]
Poles are inside the unit circle, hence stable.
clear all; close all s = tf('s'); plant = s/(s+1); T = 1; %sampeling time; plantd = c2d(plant,T,'zoh'); d = c2d( (s+1)/(s+5), T , 'zoh'); % obtain the open loop sys = series(d,plantd); % obtain the closed loop loop = feedback(sys,1)
loop = z^2 - 1.801 z + 0.8013 ------------------------ 2 z^2 - 2.176 z + 0.8038 Sample time: 1 seconds Discrete-time transfer function.
step(loop) grid
[z,p,k]=zpkdata(loop,'v'); fprintf('poles of closed loop discrete system as inside unit circle\n'); abs(p)
ans = 0.6340 0.6340