Mathematically, a rectangular pulse delayed by seconds is defined as
And its Fourier transform or spectrum is defined as
This Demonstration illustrates how changing affects its spectrum. Both the magnitude and phase
of the spectrum are displayed.
As the pulse becomes more flat (i.e. the width of the pulse increases), the magnitude
spectrum loops become thinner and taller. In other words, the zeros (the crossings of the
magnitude spectrum with the
-axis) move closer to the origin. In the limit, as T becomes
very large, the magnitude spectrum approaches a Dirac delta function
located at the
As the height of the pulse become larger and its width becomes smaller, it approaches a Dirac delta
function and the magnitude spectrum flattens out and becomes a constant of magnitude
in the
As changes, the pulse shifts in time, the magnitude spectrum does not change, but the phase
spectrum does.
We notice a degree phase shift at each frequency defined by
where k is an integer
other than zero, and T is the pulse duration. These frequencies are the zeros of the magnitude