6.6 Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Top new questions this week: 

[Is Mathematica worth it for me?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/100072/is-mathematica-worth-it-for-me

I’m 13 years old and in 7th grade. I’m currently in Algebra 1, and I have fallen in love with both math and programming.

When I came upon Mathematica, it was awesome. My two favorite things fused ...

- asked by TreFox (50 votes), answered by Pillsy (33 votes)


[GroupBy twice gives different results] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/100139/groupby-twice-gives-different-results

update: confirmed as a bug related to ’N’ when using GroupBy or GatherBy. It is a bug at least since version 7

It took me quite a lot of time to finally trace down to this strange output. I really ...

- asked by matheorem (25 votes), answered by Patrick Stevens (15 votes)


[How to make a blob in 3D?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/99754/how-to-make-a-blob-in-3d

I am trying to make a blob like the one shown below, but in 3D so I can rotate it. I’m trying to use ParametricPlot3D or SphericalPlot3D. I can make a sphere easily. But my knowledge of how to modify ...

- asked by Michael McCain (20 votes), answered by Eric Towers (12 votes)


[Coordinate system transformation problem (about Euler angle)] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/100054/coordinate-system-transformation-problem-about-euler-angle

This question comes from the work that constructing the general cylinder by the NURBS. I have implemented the point-set \(P_1,P_2,\cdots ,P_n\) that in the \(O-xyz\) plane, now I want to implement the ...

- asked by Shutao TANG (14 votes), answered by J. M. (9 votes)


[List of symbols marked [[EXPERIMENTAL]] in the documentation] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/100058/list-of-symbols-marked-experimental-in-the-documentation

Some of the built-in Wolfram Language symbols are marked as [[EXPERIMENTAL]] in the documentation. For example


How can I get a list of all the symbols marked as [[EXPERIMENTAL]]?

(This ...

- asked by Karsten 7. (14 votes), answered by Karsten 7. (20 votes)


[Random letters: What is the chance, that true words are coming?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/99800/random-letters-what-is-the-chance-that-true-words-are-coming

Suppose, that we are just typing random letters with our keyboards(we use space bar too). We don’t make difference between big and small letters. If we work for a long time, how much from the words ...

- asked by Arquis (13 votes), answered by belisarius has settled (18 votes)


[How to take and evaluate a specific part of a list without evaluating the rest?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/100217/how-to-take-and-evaluate-a-specific-part-of-a-list-without-evaluating-the-rest

I have a large list, for example, 
lis = {x + y, x y, Sin[x] y + Exp[y], x^2 y} 
and its elements depend on variables x and y. Later I assign numerical values to x and y 
x = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} 
y = {3,  ...

- asked by renphysics (9 votes), answered by Chris Degnen (9 votes)

================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ==================================

[How to use Mathematica functions in Python programs?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/4643/how-to-use-mathematica-functions-in-python-programs

I’d like to know how can I call Mathematica functions from Python.

I appreciate a example, for example, using the Mathematica function Prime.

I had search about MathLink but how to use it in Python ...

- asked by GarouDan (35 votes), answered by GarouDan (14 votes)


[Mathematica sporadically crashes on open] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/32232/mathematica-sporadically-crashes-on-open

Sometimes, when I open Mathematica, while the opening splash screen still says "Initializing Kernel Connections", Windows will tell me that "Wolfram Mathematica 9 has stopped working". This will ...

- asked by William Kunkel (9 votes), answered by Bingo (5 votes)

================================== Can you answer these? ==================================

[Can’t get Mathematica to Import PDF files with diacritics on the file name] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/99980/cant-get-mathematica-to-import-pdf-files-with-diacritics-on-the-file-name

Tested with versions 9.0.0, 10.0.2 and 10.3.0, all under OS X 10.10.5. 
The drag-and-drop front-end functionality also results in $Failed. 
Surprisingly, Importing, JPEGs, TXTs, and XLSX work just  ...

- asked by Aisamu (4 votes)


[Where can I find documentation on use of special characters in templates?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/100023/where-can-i-find-documentation-on-use-of-special-characters-in-templates

I am new to Templates.  I have seen the usage 
"\!\(\*StyleBox ...)" 
as here: disabling templates  What does the string "!(*" accomplish and 
can I find some documentation of this notation?

- asked by John McGee (1 vote)


[Exponential Matrix Diffentiation] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/100214/exponential-matrix-diffentiation

I have been struggling with the following question while solving an optimization problem in \(\mathbb {R}_{+}^G\). Basically, I have \[\min _{y \in \mathbb {R}_{+}^G} F(y) = y^{T}\mathcal {K} + \exp (-y^{T} ... \]

- asked by Guilherme Thompson (1 vote)