6.4 Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Top new questions this week: 

[Can I emulate Wolfram’s automatic package updating in my own packages?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/101035/can-i-emulate-wolframs-automatic-package-updating-in-my-own-packages

It seems that some Wolfram-provided packages are smart enough to automatically check with the Wolfram servers, notice when a newer version is available, and download it, so that the user always has ...

- asked by ibeatty (12 votes), answered by ZachB (3 votes)


[Zooming using GeoGraphics] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/100920/zooming-using-geographics

Suppose I do:

GeoGraphics[Entity["City", "Eureka", "California", "UnitedStates"]]

What do folks do at this point to zoom in to various parts of the image?

- asked by David (12 votes), answered by Peter Roberge (12 votes)


[Shortest tour with vertex priority] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/101175/shortest-tour-with-vertex-priority

I changed the title of my question and tried to simplify formulation of the problem.

I solve a very big vehicle routing problem. I divided this one big problem on many small sub-problems. Each small ...

- asked by Alexey Golyshev (10 votes), answered by Alexey Golyshev (4 votes)


[Backquote in string template?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/101342/backquote-in-string-template

I need to have backquotes in a StringTemplate. 
For example 
Returns "21" instead of "`2`". 
How can I get the correct result ? 
Of course a solution would be to use  ...

- asked by faysou (8 votes), answered by Kuba (5 votes)


[create an (almost) hexagonal mesh on an ellipsoid] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/101183/create-an-almost-hexagonal-mesh-on-an-ellipsoid

EDIT I edited the question in order to take into @Kuba’s comment.

I want to create this figure with Mathematica (in particular an almost hexagonal mesh on an ellipsoid; thanks to @Kuba I know this ...

- asked by dimitris (8 votes), answered by Kuba (10 votes)


[How to count number of small dots in a picture] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/100957/how-to-count-number-of-small-dots-in-a-picture

I have this picture of small particles in a polymer film. I want to count how many particles in the figure, so that I can have a rough estimation of the particle density. But the image quality is ...

- asked by MYG (8 votes), answered by Graumagier (4 votes)


[Why some GeoProjections show just half of Chukotka region (Russian map)] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/101334/why-some-geoprojections-show-just-half-of-chukotka-region-russian-map

I’ve moved to V.10.3 as suggested and proceed with Russian map (the aim is to geoplot regional distributions of some values). Notice most eastern Russian region - Chukotka. Chukotka, unlike other ...

- asked by garej (7 votes), answered by Peter Roberge (1 vote)

================================== Greatest hits from previous weeks: ==================================

[How can I improve Mathematica’s resolution on a macbook retina display?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/18419/how-can-i-improve-mathematicas-resolution-on-a-macbook-retina-display

Mathematica 9.0 looks a bit fuzzy on the retina screen, how can I increase the resolution?

Here another screenshot showing a direct comparison between the browser and Mathematica

- asked by Tom Wellington (38 votes), answered by programming_historian (20 votes)


[How do I draw a pair of buttocks?] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/66538/how-do-i-draw-a-pair-of-buttocks

I’m trying to develop a function which 3D plot would have a buttocks like shape.

Several days of searching the web and a dozen my of own attempts to solve the issue have brought nothing but two ...

- asked by Simpleton Jack (236 votes), answered by mikuszefski (360 votes)

================================== Can you answer these? ==================================

[Using Mathematica with touchscreens] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/101089/using-mathematica-with-touchscreens

I really like using my Windows 10 touchscreen to move around in websites, documents, etc. It doesn’t work in Mathematica. Can that be fixed by changing a global notebook setting, or is it something ...

- asked by George Wolfe (4 votes)


[Theorem Proving]http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/101201/theorem-proving

It’s a hard for me to write english so I’ll try to go straight to my problem. There is abstract predicate f, that takes two parameters. There are also two other predicates b and u:

b[x_, y_] :=  ...

- asked by rattrapper (5 votes)


[Initializing FinancialData indices .... never finishes] http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/101339/initializing-financialdata-indices-never-finishes

Retrieving data using FinancialData became more unreliable in the last couple of months, but simply retrying was enough to finally get the data. Now it seems to be nearly completely broken in ...

- asked by Karsten 7. (3 votes)