The following calculation was made in Maple 5.1 (courtesy of George Luna):
> restart: > Int(Int(sqrt(x^3+1),x=sqrt(y)..1),y=0..1); 1 1 / / | | 3 | | sqrt(x + 1) dx dy | | / / 0 sqrt(y) > evalf(%); .4063171388 Try it in Maple 6.
It is corrected with Maple 7. (U. Klein)
Here is what I get:
>A:=Int(Int(sqrt(x^3+1),x=sqrt(y)..1),y=0..1); > evalf(A); Error, (in depends) too many levels of recursion
But if you try
A:=Int(Int(sqrt(x^3+1),x=sqrt(y)..1),y=0..1); in R5 you get some of the same error evalf(%); Error, (in LinearProp) too many levels of recursion
Funny indeed, all the more so when you try int(int(...))
instead of Int(Int(...))
The first integration is performed, but an evalf(%)
then freezes Maple 6 on my
Pentium II. 2/9*(sqrt(8)-1)
might be reached after SOME time..