7.115 Bug in orthopoly in Maple V.4 to Maple 6 (8.11.96)

7.115.1 Gerald A. Edgar

7.115.1 Gerald A. Edgar

Maple V, release 4 (PowerMac version).

I got a strange sum the other day...

> sum((k-2)*x^k/k!,k=0..infinity); 
                         exp(x) orthopoly[L](1, -3, -x)

But Maple does these two fine:

> sum(k*x^k/k!,k=0..infinity); 
                                    x exp(x) 
> sum(2*x^k/k!,k=0..infinity); 
                                    2 exp(x)

It seems to be a bug in orthopoly package...

> with(orthopoly): 
> L(1,1,x); 
                                     -x + 2 
> L(1,a,x); 
                                    1 + a - x 
> L(1,-3,x); 
                                    L(1, -3, x)      ???????? 
> L(1,-3.0,x); 
                                    -2.0 - x

It is corrected with Maple 7. (U. Klein)