In case this bug coincides with a previous report, my apologies, but it seems that the developers are not checking their software updates with an appropriate suite of integrals, they should add the following:
should result in -Pi^2/6
but gives infinity (maple6 is OK on this one).
If one uses the anti-derivative, and takes the limit for the lower limit, the correct result is returned; it is however the right-hand integration limit which seems to throw maple7, because changing that to something else than 1, makes the integral work.
Of course, this hits a class of integrals, i.e., including powers of ln(x)
produces similarly
erroneous results.
f:=ln(x)^3/(1-x)^3; int(f,x=0..1);
isn’t wrong, but doesn’t evaluate, even though taking the limit on the anti-derivative works,
works out. This complaint applies to both maple7 and maple6, i.e., apparently maple does not try on these improper integrals taking the antiderivative and then performing limits to obtain the definite integral.
It is corrected with Maple 8 (U. Klein)
There seems to be a bug in ‘int/cook/IIntd1c‘ of Maple7, which defines two different versions of ‘int/cook/ngritty‘. The second one evaluates the derivative of the Beta(z,w) function at w=0 although the value of w may be zero. This evaluation should be replaced by the limit lim w->0. Then we get the following results:
> `int/cook/IIntd1c`:=proc( t,ta,tb,param,model,triglabel,ans,fltype,fail ) local cof,a,b,c,d,dl,a0,a1,f,m,w,np1,p,u,u2,r,s,s2,sp,ucomplex, v,z,btype,ptype,a0type,a1type,wtype,dtype,dltype,a0fl, a1fl,bfl,wfp1l,dfl,dlfl,pfm1l,B,S1,S2,D,DL,A0,A1,C1,M, N,P,R,Ucplex,U2,MODEL,failtemp,fltypetemp,res,res1,res2, i,sig,dc1,dc2,dc3,dc4,`int/cook/ngritty`; failtemp:=0; cof:=param[1]; b:=param[2]; u:=-op(1,param[3]); u2:=-op(2,param[3]); s:=op(1,param[4]); s2:=op(2,param[4]); dl:=param[5]; m:=param[6]; w:=param[7]; p:=param[8]; a0:=param[9]; a1:=param[10]; c:= param[11]; r:=param[12]; d:=param[13]; sp:=param[14]; f:=param[15]; MODEL:=exp(-Ucplex*t^S1)*t^N*ln(B*t^DL)^M*cos(C1*t^R)/ ((A0+A1*f^D)^P); d:=`int/cook/secure`(d,'dfl','dtype'); p:=`int/cook/secure`(p-1,'pfm1l','ptype')+1; w:=`int/cook/secure`(w+1,'wfp1l','wtype')-1; b:=`int/cook/secure`(b,'bfl','btype'); dl:=`int/cook/secure`(dl,'dlfl','dltype'); a0:=`int/cook/secure`(a0,'a0fl','a0type'); a1:=`int/cook/secure`(a1,'a1fl','a1type'); if d<>0 then np1:=(w+1)/d else fail:=2; `int/cook/nogo1`(MODEL,model,t,ta,tb,s); return end if; if not type(pfm1l,constant) then fail:=2; `int/cook/nogo2`(MODEL,model,t,ta,tb,p); return end if; if not type(wfp1l,constant) then fail:=2; `int/cook/nogo2`(MODEL,model,t,ta,tb,w+1); return end if; if type([a0,a1],[constant,constant]) and type([a1fl,a0fl],[numeric,numeric]) and abs(a0fl)<abs(a1fl) then `int/cook/nogo1`(MODEL,model,t,ta,tb,abs(a1)-abs(a0)); return end if; if not type(dfl,constant) then fail:=2; `int/cook/nogo2`(MODEL,model,t,ta,tb,d); return end if; if u=0 and u2=0 and m=0 and c=0 and sp=0 and f=t and pfm1l<1 and 0<dfl and abs(a0/a1)<>1 then sig:=signum(a0); if not type(p,integer) and (type(sig,'function') and op(0,sig)=('signum') or sig=-1) then fail:=2; if 2<printlevel then `int/cook/nogo1`(MODEL,model,t,ta,tb); printf("--> Does not fit into this sub-class\n") end if; return end if; s:=d; `int/cook/ngritty`:=proc(s,dc1,np1,p,dc2,a0,a1,dc3,dc4) local lam,b,Kt,F; lam:=np1; b:=p; Kt:=-a1/a0; F:=Beta(lam,1)*hypergeom([b,lam],[lam+1],Kt); simplify(a0^(-p))*simplify(F)/s end proc elif u=0 and u2=0 and a1=-a0 and c=0 and sp=0 and f=t and pfm1l<=0 and 0<dfl and type(m,integer) and 0<=m and type(d,freeof(t)) then if ta=0 and wfp1l<=0 then z:=limit(t*model,t=0,'right'); if hastype(z,'infinity') then v:=limit((t-1)*model,t=1,'left'); if signum(z)=signum(v) or not hastype(v,'infinity') then ans:=z; fail:=4; return elif has(v,'infinity') then fail:=3; if 2<printlevel then `int/cook/nogo1`(MODEL,model,t,ta,tb); printf("integral is most likely divergent\n"); printf("Cauchy principal value ?\n") end if; return end if end if end if; s:=d; z:=np1; v:=-p+1; `int/cook/ngritty`:=proc(s,m,np1,p,z0,a0,a1,dc2,v) local z,w,F; F:=Beta(z,w); if 0<m then F:=diff(F,`$`(z,m)) end if; try if v=0 then #<== simplify( #<== a0^(-p))*simplify(limit(eval(F,z=z0),w=v))/(s^(m+1) #<== ) #<== else #<== simplify( #<== a0^(-p))*simplify(eval(F,{z=z0,w=v}))/(s^(m+1) #<== ) #<== end if #<== catch "numeric exception: division by zero": a0^(-p)/(s^(m+1))*infinity end try end proc: else fail:=2; if 2<printlevel then `int/cook/nogo1`(MODEL,model,t,ta,tb); printf("--> Does not fit into sub-classes\n") end if; return end if; if (bfl<>`int/cook/insecure`(1,btype) or 3<btype) and bfl<>0 and dlfl<>0 then res:=0; for i from 0 to m do res:=res+ binomial(m,i)*ln(b)^(m-i)*dl^i* `int/cook/ngritty`(s,i,np1,p,z,a0,a1,ucomplex,v) end do elif bfl=`int/cook/insecure`(1,btype) and dlfl<>0 then res:=dl^m*`int/cook/ngritty`(s,m,np1,p,z,a0,a1,ucomplex,v) else res:=`int/cook/ngritty`(s,m,np1,p,z,a0,a1,ucomplex,v) end if; res:=cof*res; if has(res,abs) then res:=`int/cook/abs`(res) end if; if has(res,'infinity') then failtemp:=4 end if; if fltypetemp=1 then res:=evalf(res) end if; ans:=eval(res); fltype:=fltypetemp; fail:=failtemp end proc:
> int(ln(x)/(1-x),x=0..1); 2 - 1/6 Pi > int(ln(x)^2/(1-x)^2,x=0..1); 2 1/3 Pi > j:=ln(x)^3/(1-x)^3; 3 ln(x) j := -------- 3 (1 - x) > J:=applyop(expand,1,int(j,x=0..1)); 2 1/2 ln(1 - exp(1/y)) J := lim -3 Zeta(3) + 1/2 Pi + --- - 3/2 ---------------- y -> 0+ 3 2 y y 3 polylog(2, exp(1/y)) 3/2 - ---------------------- + 3 polylog(3, exp(1/y)) + --- y 2 y 3 ln(1 - exp(1/y)) - ------------------ - 3 polylog(2, exp(1/y)) y
Maple cannot compute that limit symbolically. However, it will return the numerical value of J:
> simplify(fnormal(evalf(J)),zero); -8.540972910
Let us check this result:
> int(j,x=a..1); 1 / 3 | ln(x) | -------- dx | 3 / (1 - x) a > limit(%,a=0,right); 2 - 1/2 Pi - 3 Zeta(3) > evalf(%); -8.540972911