How does one create a 3D plot in maple of points generated for a 3D surface using another programming language such as Java or C++. IOW, I want to use Maple to read a file of data for a 3D plot.
readdata and listplot3d
In Maple the 'plot[pointplot]'
command is used to generate 3D point plots. The
provided data should be a set or a list.
If your data-file look like this:
2.7 0 1 1 2 1 2 0 1 -1 0 0 3 1.5 -2
then this creates a 3D-point plot:
restart; readlib(readdata): l:=readdata(``,3): with(plots): pointplot(l,axes=frame,title=`testplot`);
Additional options (axes, title,labels, orientation, projection, view, color,...) are available.
For a surface plot have a look at this:
restart; cosdata:=[seq([ seq([i,j,evalf(cos((i+j)/5))], i=-3..3)],j=3..3)];
cosdata is a list of lists
with(plots): surfdata(cosdata,axes=frame,style=patch,title=`testplot`);
several other options are available - see plot/plot3d
So if you provide the surface data in an appropriate format, it should be easy to generate an impressive plot.