I need more material to learn Maple, can someone advice about what book to buy??
PS: Maple: An introduction and reference/Michael Kofler
is a good book?, shoud I
buy it?
My preference goes for
A. Heck, Introduction to Maple (2nd ed.)
and also for
R. Nicolaides, N. Walkington, Maple a comprehensive introduction
not forgeting the ``Learning and Programming Guides''
In my opinion, Andre Heck's "Intro to Maple"
from Springer is the best choice
There are a lot of book. I suggest you one of my prefered:
"Nonlinear Phisics with MAPLE for Scientist and Engineers"
I’d definitely recommend [1], [2], and [3].
References: [1] K.M. Heal et al., "The Maple Learning Guide" for Release 5, Springer Verlag New York 1998, ISBN 0-387-98397-X [2] M.B. Monagan et al., "Maple V Programming Guide" for Release 5, Springer Verlag New York 1998, ISBN 0-387-98398-8 [3] Andre' Heck, "Introduction to Maple", 2nd Ed., Springer Verlag New York 1996, ISBN 0-387-94535-0 [down] [up] Antonio Molina (24.2.00)
I suggest you:
CALCULOS MATEMATICOS POR ORDENADOR CON MAPLE V RELEASE 5 Autores: Eugenio Roanes Garcma y Eugenio Roanes Lozano Editorial: Rubiqos-1860, S.A. ISBN: 84-8041-112-0 Fecha: Abril 1999
Have a look at: http://www.addlink.es/go.asp?page=/product/waterloo/book.htm
Koflers book indeed is a very good book! If you have left the introductory level you should also take Andre Heck’s book (Springer Verlag) into serious consideration.
Carl Eberhart has a very nice and free "maple handbook" on his home page http://www.ms.uky.edu/~carl
The book by Abell and Braselton "Maple by Example"
is an excellent resource. It is
certainly worth the price. If I didn’t have it, I would buy it.