2.2 First 13 files only using Mathics 4.0 via sagemath 9.6 as Guest CAS

This build shows only the result of testing the first 13 input files and includes a guest CAS Mathics 4.0 via sagemath 9.6 as a proof of concept.

Summer 2022 special build

Number of integrals tested [3809] with grading for all CAS systems except for Mupad.

The test integrals used are made of the following 210 files.

  1. Rubi test suite. Files 1 to 208. Thanks to Alert Rich.
  2. IntegrateAlgebraic test file. File 209. Thanks to Sam Blake.
  3. Fricas test file. File 210. Thanks to Waldek Hebisch.


These 9 CAS systems are used:

  1. Mathematica 13.0.1 (February 17, 2022) on windows 10.
  2. Rubi 4.16.1 (Dec 19, 2018) on Mathematica 13.0.1 on windows 10.
  3. Maple 2022.1 (June 1, 2022) on windows 10.
  4. Maxima 5.46 (April 13, 2022) using Lisp SBCL 2.0.1.debian on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux under window 10 WSL 2.0 subsystem via sagemath 9.6.
  5. Fricas 1.3.7 (June 30, 2021) based on based on ecl 21.2.1 on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux under window 10 WSL 2.0 subsystem via sagemath 9.6.
  6. Giac/Xcas 1.9.0-7 (April 2022) on on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux under window 10 WSL 2.0 subsystem. Now uses direct calls using giac C++ API and not via sagemath.
  7. Sympy 1.10.1 (March 20, 2022) using Python 3.10.4 Ubuntu 20.04 Linux under window 10 WSL 2.0 subsystem via sagemath 9.6.
  8. Mupad using Matlab 2021a with Symbolic Math Toolbox Version 8.7 on windows 10.
  9. Mathics 4.0 via sagemath 9.6.