
ECE 3371 Linear Optimal Control Theory, Northeastern Univ. Boston, Massachusetts

Nasser M. Abbasi

Spring 1992   Compiled on November 16, 2018 at 11:18am  [public]

Part of MSEE courses. Graduate.

University Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts.


Dr. Tadmor Electrical Eng. Dept, Northeastern Univ. http://www.ece.neu.edu/ tadmor/

Course description

Analysis and design of linear multivariable feedback control systems. State space techniques are emphasized. The problems addresses include: linear optimal regulators and observers, optimal output feedback, tracking and disturbance rejection, robustness analysis and loop shaping.

Text book

Linear Optimal Control Systems. by Kwakwenaak and Sivan.


Midterm exam


study notes

I lost all my notes for this course. Here is some matlab code I seem to have written for this course.

  1. decmpc.m.txt
  2. decmpo.m.txt
  3. ltirc.m.txt
  4. ltiro.m.txt
  5. pdecmpo.m.txt
  6. qdecmpc.m.txt
  7. test.m.txt
  8. bandpass.m.txt