HW 5 Mathematics 503, Mathematical Modeling, CSUF , June 18, 2007

Nasser M. Abbasi

June 15, 2014


1 Problem 1 (section 3.5, 5(b), page 185)
2 Problem 2 (section 3.5,#6, page 185)

1 Problem 1 (section 3.5, 5(b), page 185)

problem: Find extrermals for the following functional:

(b) J(y)= ∫3e2x(y′2− y2)dx

y(0)= 1,y(3)=  free


       ′   2x( ′2   2)
L(x,y,y)= e   y − y

Starting from first principles. First the preliminary standard setup:

Let J :(A⊂ V )→  ℝ  , where A is the set of admissible functions, and V :C2 [a,b]  , hence A = {y ∈V : y(a)= 0,y(b)=  free}

Let v(x)  be the set Ad(y)  of the permissible directions defined as Ad(y)= {v ∈V :y +tv ∈A } for some real scalar − ξ < t < ξ

And Ly(x,y,y′)≡ ∂LL (x,y,y′)
           ∂y  and Ly′(x,y,y′)≡ ∂L′L (x,y,y′)

Now we write


Therefor a necessary condition for y(x)∈ A to be a local minimum for the functional J (y)  is that δ J(y,v)=  0  for all v ∈ Ad  , which means

∫ b
   L (x,y,y′)v+ L ′(x,y,y′)v′ dx = 0
 a  y           y

Integrating by parts the second term above results in the general expression for the necessary condition for y(x)  to be a local minimum for J(y)  , which is

∫ b{           d          }
    Ly(x,y,y′)− --Ly′(x,y,y′)  v dx + [Ly′(x,y,y′)v]ba = 0
 a             dx
(see 3.15 in text)

Since v(a) = 0  , the second term above simplifies, and the above equation becomes

∫  {                      }
  b         ′  -d-       ′                   ′
 a  Ly(x,y,y)− dx Ly′(x,y,y ) v dx+ Ly′(b,y(b),y (b))v (b) = 0

Now we apply the following argument: Out of all functions v ∈ Ad  , we can find a set which has the property such that v(b) = 0  . For these v′s only (1) becomes

  {                       }
∫ b        ′   d--       ′
 a  Ly(x,y,y )− dxLy′(x,y,y)  v dx = 0

Where now we apply the other standard argument: Since the above is true for every arbitrary v (but remember now v is such that v(b)= 0, but since there are so many such  ′
vs still, then the argument still holds) , then it must mean that

       ′  -d-       ′
Ly(x,y,y)− dx Ly′(x,y,y )= 0

This will generate a second order ODE, which we will solve, with the boundary conditions y(0) = 1

But we need another boundary condition. Then we hold off solving this for one moment. Let us now consider those functions v∈ Ad  which have the property that v(b)⁄= 0. For these v 's, and for the second term in (1) to become zero, we now must have

Ly′(b,y(b),y (b)) = 0

Now from (3) we have ∂L′ = ∂′e2x(y′2− y2)= 2e2xy′
∂y    ∂y , which means



| y′(b)= 0  |
|           |

This gives us the second boundary condition we needed to solve (2).

Hence to summarize the problem becomes that of solving for y given

Ly(x,y,y′)− ---Ly′(x,y,y′)= 0

with the boundary conditions y(0)= 1  and  ′
y (3) = 0

Now (2) can be written as



| y′′+ 2y′+ y= 0             y(0) = 1, y′(3) = 0 |
|                                              |

Assume      mx
y= Ae  , hence the characteristic equation is  2                   −b±√b2−4ac   −2±√4−4-
m + 2m + 1= 0 →  m =     2a    =    2    =  − 1

Since we have repeated root, then the solution is

| y (x) = ce−x+ c xe−x |

When x= 0, y= 1  , hence c1 = 1

 ′       −x      −x   − x
y(x)=  − e + c2(e  − xe )

when x = 3,y′ = 0, hence                                 e−3
0= − e−3+ c2(e−3− 3e−3) → c2 = − e−3(2) →       1
c2 = − 2

Hence the solution is

y(x)=  e− x− 1xe−x


| y(x)= e−x(1 − 1x)  |
|               2    |


2 Problem 2 (section 3.5,#6, page 185)

problem: determine the natural boundary condition at x= b for the variational problem defined by        ∫b      ′
J (y) =  a L(x,y,y )dx+ G (y(b))  where      2
y ∈ C [a,b],y(a)= y0   and G is a given differentiable function on ℝ


Starting from first principles, first the preliminary standard setup.

Let J :(A⊂ V )→  ℝ  , where A is the set of admissible functions, and V :C2 [a,b]  Hence A = {y ∈V : y(a)= 0,y(b)=  free} . Let v(x)  be a set Ad(y)  of permissible directions defined as Ad (y) = {v∈ V :y+ tv∈ A} for some real scalar − ξ < t < ξ , and Let        ′   ∂L       ′
Ly(x,y,y )≡ ∂yL (x,y,y)  , and Ly′(x,y,y′) ≡ ∂∂Ly′L(x,y,y′)

Now we write


Therefor a necessary condition for y(x)∈ A to be a local minimum for J(y)  is that δJ(y,v) = 0  for all v ∈ Ad  , which means

( ∫ b                         )
     Ly(x,y,y′)v+ Ly′(x,y,y′) v′ dx + v(b)G ′(y (b)) = 0

Integrating the second term in the integral above by parts results in the general expression for the necessary condition for y(x)  to be a local minimum for J(y)  , which is

∫ b{                      }
    Ly(x,y,y′)− d-Ly′(x,y,y′)  v dx + [Ly′(x,y,y′)v]b+ v(b)G′(y(b))= 0
 a             dx                            a


∫ b{            d          }
    Ly(x,y,y′)− ---Ly′(x,y,y′) v dx+
 a             dx
                               Ly′(b,y(b),y′(b))v(b)− Ly′(a,y (a) ,y′(a))v(a)+ v(b)G′(y(b))= 0

Since y(a) = y0   , we must have v(a)= 0  , then the above simplifies to

∫  {                      }
  b L (x,y,y′)− -d-L′(x,y,y′) v dx+ {L ′(b,y(b),y′(b)) + G′(y(b))}v (b) = 0
 a    y        dx  y                y

Let us now consider those functions v∈ Ad  which have the property that v(b)⁄= 0. For these v 's, for the second term in (1) to become zero, we now must have

Ly′(b,y(b),y′(b)) +G ′(y (b)) = 0


| -∂L |  = − G ′(y(x))|    |
| ∂y′|x=b            x=b  |

Hence the natural boundary condition on y (x)  at x = b must satisfy the above.  (I do not see how can one go further without being given what L and G are.)