HW 10 Mathematics 503, Mathematical Modeling, CSUF , July 17, 2007

Nasser M. Abbasi

June 15, 2014


1 Problem 4 page 225 section 4.1
2 Problem 8 page 225 section 4.1
3 Problem 3 page 225 section 4.1 (extra)

1 Problem 4 page 225 section 4.1


Consider SLP    ′′
− y = λ y ,   0< x < 1  with B.V.        ′
y(0)+ y(0) = 0,y (1 )= 0

is λ = 0  an eigenvalue? are there negative eigenvalues? show that there are infinitely many positive eigenvalues by finding an equation whose roots are those eigenvalues and show graphically that there are infinity many root


The SLP has the form         ′ ′
− (p (x)y )+ (q(x)− λ )y= 0  or         ′′
− (p (x)y) +q (x)y= λy for a < x< b , where p (x)  not zero function and does not change sign over the interval, hence we can assume it to be positive. If we compare this form to the given problem we see that p(x)= 1  and q(x)= 0

Assume λ = 0  , hence the ODE become − y′′ = 0  which has the solution y= Ax + B for some constants A,B . Now lets see is this solution can satisfy the B,V, given.

y(1)= 0 → A + B= 0  , and        ′
y(0)+ y(0)=  0→  A= 0  , hence since A = 0  , then B= 0  hence the only solution is y(x)=  0  . Hence for non-trivial solution λ ⁄= 0

Now let us assume λ < 0  . Assume y = Aemx  , hence the characteristic equation is − m2 = λ or m2 = − λ , but since λ < 0  , then m is a real quantity. Let − λ = β2   where β is some non zero real constant, hence we have m = ± β and so the solution is

y= c1eβx+ c2e−βx

Let see is this solution will satisfy the B.V. y(1)= 0 →  0= c1eβ + c2e−β  , and y(0)+ y′(0) = 0→  c2+ c1 = 0  , hence c = − c
 1     2   , and we have − c eβ + c e−β = 0
   2     2  , hence c (e−β − eβ) = 0
 2  , or but e−β − eβ ⁄= 0  (it is zero only if β = 0  but we have that β > 0  ) then this means that c2 = 0  . But this means that c1 = 0  , which then means that the solution is again y(x)= 0  . Therefore, for non-trivial solution, λ can not be negative.

Then then only choice left is for λ > 0

. (We do not have to check for this, since we know that λ does not change sign) but for an exercise, let us verify it any way. As above, we obtain m2 = − λ but since λ > 0  then solution will now contain complex exponential since       √ --
m = ±i  λ, then solution is (by writing√ --
  λ = β)

y (x) = c1cos(β x)+ c2sin(β x)

Verify B,V, The first one leads to


and the second one leads to, since y′(x) = − c1β sinβ x+ c2βcosβ x , we obtain


or c1 = − βc2   , now substitute this in the first initial condition (1) we obtain


But if c2 = 0  this will lead to c1 = 0  also and to a trivial solution. Hence we need to consider sinβ − βcosβ = 0  or roots of

| tanβ − β = 0  |

The roots are the intersection of tan(x)  with the line x , graphically we see the roots occur close to multiplies of π


Or we can just plot the function sinβ − βcosβ


To find the roots, use a numerical root finder (Newton's method), here are the first 10 positive roots (we do not pick the zero root, since λ ⁄= 0  )


Hence the square of the above is the list of the eigenvalues. Here are first few


Hence the eigenfunctions are

       (      )
         ∘ --
vn = cos   λnx


       (∘  --)
un = sin    λnx

for n = 1,2,3,⋅⋅⋅ where √λ-
   n  is the root of tan√ λ-− √ λ-=  0
     n     n  , and the first few λ
  n  are shown above.

| yn(x)= cos   λnx + sin   λnx      n=  1,2,3,⋅⋅⋅  |

Here is a plot of few solutions for n=  1⋅⋅⋅9


2 Problem 8 page 225 section 4.1


Find eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the problem    ′′     ′
− y − 2by=  λy ,   0< x < 1  ,b > 0  , and y(0)= y (1) = 0


The SLP has the form − (p (x)y′)′+ q (x)y = λy for a < x< b , where p(x)  not zero function and does not change sign over the interval, hence we can assume it to be positive. If we compare this form to the given problem we see that p (x) = 1  and q (x) = − 2b and since b > 0  then q(x)  is always negative over this range

Assume λ = 0  , hence the ODE become − y′′− 2by′ = 0  which has the characteristic equation − m2 − 2bm = 0  or − m− 2b = 0  , hence m = 2b , then the solution is y= c1xe2bx+ c2e2bx  . Now from y(0) = 0→  c = 0
            2  , and so y= c xe2bc
    1  , Now from y(1)= 0 → 0 = c e2b
               1  , but e2b ⁄= 0  hence c  = 0
 1  , hence we obtain trivial solution y = 0  , hence for non-trivial solution λ ⁄= 0  .

Now − y′′− 2by′ = λy , and the characteristic equation is m2+ 2bm + λ = 0  , hence          √ -2---
m =  −2(b)±-24b−4λ   , hence m = − b± √b2-−-λ- . There are 3 cases: b2− λ < 0  and b2− λ = 0  and b2− λ > 0.

When  2
b − λ > 0  , we have m will be real. Hence the solution will be of the form       mx     −mx
y= c1e  + c2e  , where m is real. Now let see if we can satisfy the boundary conditions. From y(0)= 0 → c1+ c2 = 0  , and from y(1) = 0→  0= c1em+ c2e−m  , hence 0 = c1(em − e−m)  , but this means c1 = 0  since m is not zero. This leads to c2 = 0  which leads to trivial solution y= 0  . Therefore b2− λ > 0  is not possible choice.

When b2− λ = 0  , hence m = − b , then the solution is y= c1xe−bx+ c2e−bx  , and by similar argument as above for the case of λ = 0  , we conclude that it is not possible to have  2
b − λ = 0

Hence  2
b − λ < 0  or      2
λ > b   . In other words, λ is positive and must be greater than  2
b   . Let b2− λ = − k2   for k real and nonzero. Hence

m = − b± ik

and the solution is

y(x)= e−bx(c1coskx + c2sinkx)

at y(0)= 0 → 0=  c
     1   and y(1)= 0 → 0 = e−bc sink

Hence for non-trivial solution,

sink = 0

or k = nπ or  2
k      2 2
= n π   . But  2       2
k = λ − b   Hence      2   2 2
λn− b = n π   . Now since      2
λ > b   we can eliminate that n = 0  case. Then we have

| λ =  b2+ n2π2     n = 1,2,3,⋅⋅⋅  |

Hence λ = b2 + π2,λ  = b2+ 4π2 ,⋅⋅⋅
 1           2

So the eigenfunctions are

un = sin knx

where     √ -----2
kn =  λn− b

So the yn(x)  solution is


3 Problem 3 page 225 section 4.1  (extra)


Find eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the problem with periodic boundary conditions   ′′
− y = λy ,   0< x < L and             ′      ′
y(0) = y(L),y(0) = y(L)


The SLP has the form − (p (x)y′)′+ q (x)y = λy for a < x< b , where p(x)  not zero function and does not change sign over the interval, hence we can assume it to be positive. If we compare this form to the given problem we see that p (x) = 1  and q (x) = 0

Assume λ = 0  , hence we have  ′′
y = 0  or y(x) = Ax+ B . Now to satisfy y(0) = y(L)  we must have B = AL + B which implies A = 0  , hence y(x)=  B . Now this solution does satisfy y′(0)= y′(L )  since y′(0)= 0  and y′(L) = 0  hence λ = 0  is an eigenvalue.

Now Assume λ < 0  . Hence y′′+ λ y= 0  and characteristic equation is m2+ λ = 0  or m2 = − λ , since λ < 0  , then − λ is positive, hence this leads to solution of       mx    −mx
y= c1e  +c2e  where m is real. Now to satisfy y(0)= y(L)  we must have

c1+ c2 = c1emL+ c2e−mL

and to satisfy y′(0)= y′(L)  we must have, since y′(x)=  c1memx− c2me−mx  that

c1m − c2m = c1memL − c2me −mL

Since λ ⁄= 0  in this case, then m ⁄= 0  so we can divide by m and obtain

c1− c2 = c1emL− c2e−mL

add (1)+(2) we have

2c1 = 2c1emL  or emL = 1  hence mL = 0  or m = 0  which contradicts our assumption that λ ⁄= 0  . So λ < 0  is not possible.

Now assume λ > 0

, Hence  ′′
y + λ y= 0  and characteristic equation is  2
m + λ = 0  or  2
m = − λ , since λ > 0  , then m is complex„ hence       √ --
m = ±i  λ and this leads to solution of (by letting     √--
β =  λ )

| y = c sin βx+ c cosβx  |

Now to satisfy y(0) = y(L)  we must have


and to satisfy y′(0)= y′(L)  we must have, since

y′(x)= c βcos βx− c βsinβx
        1          2


c1β = c1β cosβL − c2β sin βL

Substitute (3) into (4) we have

  (1-−-cosβL)-     (1−-cosβ-L)
c2  sinβL   β = c2   sin βL   β cosβL − c2β sinβ L
                                       ( (1 − cosβL)√ --  (1− cosβL )                )
                                     c2  ----------- λ − -----------βcosβ L+ β sinβ L  = 0
                                           sinβL           sinβ L

Since √ --
  λ ⁄= 0  the above becomes

  (                                  2  )
c2 (1− cosβL )− (1 − cosβL)cosβ L+ sin βL  = 0

Now c2 ⁄= 0  else this makes c1 = 0  also and we obtain trivial solution. Hence we must have



cosβL = 1


βL = 2nπ    n= 1,2,3,...


     (    )2
λn =  2nπ-     n = 1,2,3,...

Hence the eigenfunctions are vn(x) = sinβnx and un = cosβnx

For λ0 = 0  , v1(x)= 0  and un = 1 → y0(x)= 1

For λ1 = 1,2,3,⋅⋅⋅              2nπ-
→  v1(x) = sin L x and         2nπ-
un = cos L x →             2nπ-        2nπ-
yn(x)= c1sin  L x + c2cos L x

this is a plot of few eigenfunctions vn,un  and the complete solution yn = un+ vn  for first few eigenvalues